Chapter 2 Association Analysis
Section 4 Compact F. I. Representations
Page 2 Maximal Frequent Itemset


The objectives of this section are:
to introduce alternative representations for frequent itemsets
to define the maximal frequent itemset representation
to define the closed frequent itemset representation


By the time you have completed this section you will be able to:
explain and identify the maximal frequent itemset
explain and identify the closed frequent itemset

Compact Representation of Frequent Itemset


What happens when you have a large market basket data with over a hundred items?
The number of frequent itemsets grows exponentially and this in turn creates an issue with storage and it is for this purpose that alternative representations have been derived which reduce the initial set but can be used to generate all other frequent itemsets.  The Maximal and Closed Frequent Itemsets are two such representations that are subsets of the larger frequent itemset that will be discussed in this section.

Maximal Frequent Itemset


It is a frequent itemset for which none of its immediate supersets are frequent.


  1. Examine the frequent itemsets that appear at the border between the infrequent and frequent itemsets.
  2. Identify all of its immediate supersets.
  3. If none of the immediate supersets are frequent, the itemset is maximal frequent.


For instance consider the diagram shown below, the lattice is divided into two groups, red dashed line serves as the dermarcation, the itemsets above the line that are blank are frequent itemsets and the blue ones below the red dashed line are infrequent.

Maximal Frequent Itemset Ex.

The slideshow below shows a dynamic illustration of the example given above

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This representation is valuable because they provide the most compact representation of frequent itemsets, so when space is an issue or when we are presented with a very large data set using these representations proves helpful. But this representation is not without its limitations. One of the major advantages of using the Apriori Algorithm to find frequent itemsets is that the support of all frequent itemsets are available so during the rule generation stage we don’t have to collect this information again, this advantage disappear when we use maximal frequent itemset and so another representation is presented on the next page that resolves the space issue and also keeps this important advantage involving the support.